Friday, January 31, 2020


One time I got sort of invited to co-author a pseudoscience chemistry paper on the use of just pure numbers as molecular descriptors in a structure-activity study of some type...the paper had reasonable English but was just a bunch of numbers that were being transformed in to other numbers throughout the paper....I wrote back to the guy, named Toporov, with interest and asked some basic questions about his method...he never responded to me so I gave up and kept working alone on things...Castro arranged this email contact with Toporov and I suppose Castro decided to not pursue it.


Bin Wen contacted me first and out of the blue, I had never known him before he contacted me...he said he wanted to include me as co-author on 2 papers that he may have told me were being reviewed at the journal "Diamond and Related Materials" which is a recognized, primary journal...I agreed to be a co-author and offered to proofread the manuscripts for proper English...then I did proofread both manuscripts with minor changes to the English...I think he never used my revisions and the papers appear to be written by someone who is not of a native English speaking background...but the English is acceptable in these papers...later on I collaborated with Bin Wen on 2 different papers that I was writing and that he provided drawings and calculations for...I was just very lucky that Bin Wen was honest and had good intentions...the 2 papers I did for Bin Wen are his only 2 papers that are archived in Mathematical Reviews and also in zbMath...I was just lucky...


Ioan Stamatin contacted me indirectly through comments he posted about a preprint I had done on Chemistry Preprint Archive in about 2001-2002. The preprint was about silicon dicarbide in the "glitter" pattern and this preprint was later published in a primary journal called "Theochem". Stamatin claimed in his comments that he believed he could synthesize silicon dicarbide in his laboratory at the University of Bucharest...I found the contact details for Stamatin and I emailed him a few times and sent him some hand written letters through the US Postal Service...eventually he did a report in the primary journal "Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals" called "Silicon Dicarbide Synthesis" in which he seemed to be reporting genuine crystallographic evidence for silicon dicarbide and also for glitter...the paper was published in 2004 about...later in 2005 and 2006 I included Stamatin as a co-author on 2 articles in primary journals about further evidence for the synthesis of glitter...I included Stamatin's name as a co-author in these papers because of his then recent work on the synthesis of silicon dicarbide and glitter...I had hoped then in 2005 and 2006 that Stamatin would be continuing with his research of silicon dicarbide and glitter but he never did any more work in this area that I was aware of....Stamatin seemed to be a good-natured human being who I believed had no bad intentions for me.


Michael Bucknum's present status in the World at large is as an unpaid research associate...I am analogous to a "staff scientist" like Marian Szebenyi, PhD at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), except she is a career paid employee of Cornell University and I remain an unpaid research associate (or "Corresponding Investigator") of Argentina's "CONICET" organization since about July, 2007...the title "Corresponding Investigator" was conferred upon me officially by the members of CONICET in July, 2007 and I received letters and records then from CONICET authenticating my status as being voted in in that capacity...

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Jon Clardy's discovery of environmental DNA (eDNA) has opened the doors to recovery of magnitudes more natural products and thus many more potential medicines are discoverable through eDNA...and he has created, with others, the entire new fields of metagenomics and chemical ecology (with Jerome Meinwald). These fields will be incredibly fruitful in the years ahead. In all of this it is clear that Jon Clardy is qualified for a Nobel Prize in chemistry or medicine...but do the Nobel committees know about Jon Clardy I wonder. 

The same can be said about Frank DiSalvo...i.e. he is qualified for a Nobel Prize in chemistry based upon his work at Bell Labs on novel materials creation, and the thermoelectric cooling effect he described at Cornell University and his voluminous work on nitrides and pnictides as potential superconductors and his work on the synthesis of single crystal nitrides for electronic applications and his current focus on fuel cell all of this it is clear that he is qualified for a Nobel Prize in chemistry, but is the Nobel committee of chemistry aware of Frank's accomplishments. 

Jon Clardy was my Professor for a graduate course in crystallography at Cornell University. I later used much of what Clardy taught me in my own work. Frank DiSalvo was my Professor for a graduate course in Chemistry of the Solid State at Cornell University. I later went on to use many of the ideas and mathematics that DiSalvo taught me in my own work in the Chemistry of the Solid State.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


The PT phase diagram of H has as much importance in physics as the PT phase diagram of He. Solid state H may exist in metallic states that might have very important quantum mechanical properties, for example. H sits at the top of the alkali metal family and all of the members of this family have been isolated as elemental metals. Nellis has discovered metallic H in gas gun, dynamic pressure experiments in about 1998. The volume of this metallic H is small, but large enough to be considered a bulk sample of matter. Ashcroft was a co-author on the Nellis discovery and provided the exotic theory on the metallic state of H. Ashcroft has done much to advance the understanding and importance of the PT phase diagram of H. Independently of Ashcroft and Nellis, Silvera has done a great deal of experimental work elucidating the phase diagram of H using static high pressure methods with the diamond anvil cell. Silvera et al. has provided independent evidence of metallic H in their static pressure work, in experiments after 2015. H is the most abundant element and it exists possibly in great volumes in the metallic state under gravitational pressure in gas giant planets like Jupiter etc. For these other reasons H and metallic H qualify, as much as He does, as Nobel Prize caliber subjects. Nellis and Ashcroft are the lead scientists in this area.


The credit for the theoretical discovery of glitter is divided 50-50 between Roald Hoffmann and Michael Bucknum. Roald Hoffmann was (1) the lead author on the theory of spiroconjugation from (JACS 1967); and was (2) lead author of the theory of the insulator-to-metal transition in 3-,4-connected C nets from (JACS 1987); and was (3) lead author on the (10, 3) metallic C network (JACS 1983) that is in a related series with (6, 4) cubic diamond and (7, 3.333...) tetragonal glitter; and was (4) co-author with me on the glitter network (JACS 1994); and was (5) co-author of "supercubane" C network with Johnston; and was (6) co-author with Dasari and Bucknum on the sguaroglitter network pattern...and RH is the acknowledged "doctor" of the development of MO's and CO's. For points (1)-(6) RH gets 50% of the credit for the theoretical discovery of glitter. Michael Bucknum gets 50% of the credit for the theoretical discovery of glitter for (1) co-authorship of the first glitter paper in (JACS 1994) and for (2) the description of spiroconjugation in glitter (Carbon 1997). The experimental discovery of n-diamond and i-carbon is due to a number of scientists including Palatnik in Russia (1984) and Hirai and Kondo in Japan (1991) and Yamada in Japan (1994) and Bursill in Australia (1999) etc


Is there a solution of some small bio-molecule that can, when a leaf is soaked in such a solution, reverse the color changes and the gradual senescence in leaves...and restore the leaf in question to its active green-colored photoactive status? Can humans be caused to live as long as old trees?

Friday, January 3, 2020


1-to-1 correspondence in a reincarnation scheme is not possible when the population growth of human beings is a delta function since about after 1980. Instead there must be a general regeneration in the biomass of the the Buddhists describe as "the wheel of life". A law of detailed balancing applies and some people come back as colon bacteria and some people come back as celebrated human beings...and everything in between happens as well.