Saturday, May 26, 2018


You strenuously argue for atheism, Roald. Einstein and Ramanujan and Goedel etcetera believed in a God. Atheism gets its momentum from rationality but mathematics is not rational. The argument from rationalism breaks down on the close inspection of mathematics and logic. Goedel proved in a proof that is the size of a book that all axiomatic systems are open and not closed. Open meaning that some principles in every axiomatic system have to be assumed and cannot be proven and that some statements cannot be reduced to logic or rational thinking. Years and years of dedicated atheistic thinking are what cause pronounced negativity in people and drive them on to be come satanic. Atheism leads inexorably to evil thinking and evil doing. God spoke through Ramanujan...….just look some time at his formulas for pi and all his other mind-blowing work. He claimed he saw things in his dreams when a Hindu Goddess spoke directly to him in his dreaming state. Eddington was a Quaker and I think Ken Wilson was a Quaker. Mathematics holds that 0! = 1! = 1 and n^0 = 10^0 = 1^0 = 1....and the square root of negative numbers are the basis of much mathematics. It is the breakdown of reasoning. God is not dead and God is benevolent but God is not omnipotent. Good is in a struggle with evil constantly and for all time...….But God shines through at moments and times and God is at the breakdown of rational thinking and at the edge of meaning and God expresses himself through our spirituality. Atheism is the mode of thinking at Cornell University and it is a misguided way of thinking. The atheistic Sage Chapel should be transitioned over to a spiritual center and adorned with spiritual symbols from Judaism and Christianity and Islam and Zoroastrianism and Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism etc. As a spiritual center Sage Hall should host a continuous and on-going lecture series about theism and atheism and their role in the World. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018


The superstrength and transparency of diamond crystals were known to the Ancients. The physical principle P = F/A was known to the Ancients. Opposed anvil presses made from various metals and alloys were used by the Ancients as a tool employed in various trades. In Rennaisance Europe and afterwards, with the invention of the optical microscope there could easily have been discovered the "diamond anvil cell". Maybe a Rennaisance European scientist created a "diamond anvil cell" in the 1700's but never reported it. In any case, it is entirely obvious how to make a diamond anvil cell from the statements made above this one. The diamond anvil cell could have been discovered in ancient Greece or ancient Rome using a magnifying glass. In contrast with the various microscopes, including the optical microscope, they employ sophisticated principles of waves and interference and later principles of quantum theory in their construction and operation. The "diamond anvil cell" uses no quantum principles at all, and only the classical principles of P = F/A and optical transparency. The "development" of high pressure physics was entirely due to Bridgman working alone as he invented the opposed anvil design (based upon the simple physical principles mentioned above) but he greatly extended the range over which pressures could be measured and attained.......the diamond anvil cell added to Bridgman's work but the later developments due to the DAC were an obvious extension (though profound) of Bridgman's work. There were no new physical principles applied or discovered as a result of the development of the "diamond anvil cell". And there has been no value added synthesis of new materials with the DAC.