Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Discussed in the "Biographical Statement of MJB" on these blog pages, is the so-called "IQ-Estimator" that is based upon scores achieved on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or, alternatively, the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). The link to the GRE-SAT-IQ-Estimator is given here as (www.iqcomparisonsite.com/GREIQ.aspx) and the IQ scores it correlates with GRE scores can be used as a measure of creativity of an individual in terms of "units of creativity".

The quantification of creativity may seem to be impossibly complicated by nuances in personality and other complex social issues. But what we see here, based upon correlation with IQ scores, is a so-called "creativity parameter" defined as such, in terms of "units of creativity", which successfully correlates with inteligence. The so-called "units of creativity" include things like: (1) book chapters and academic papers properly refereed into academic-commercial publications (2) inventions recorded in patents by inventors (3) works of art and sculpture properly juried and critically acclaimed (4) published musical compositions, to include either/both the melody and/or the lyrics (5) published poetry collections, plays and fiction that are sufficiently critically acclaimed (6) certain works of a master craftsman of the technical arts with critical appeal (7) other units of creativity not addressed here.

By carefully fitting the number of "units of creativity" against the IQ of an individual, as measured perhaps by a thorough intelligence test such as the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) mentioned above, it has been possible to generate a creativity function, represented by the Greek letter iota, I, based upon a lifetime of creative expression in "units of creativity" described above, for individuals. The creativity function, I, is cited as Equation (1) below:

(1) "creativity parameter" = I = exp((I.Q. - 100)^2)/(100 x phi x e)

The function is a straightforward, bilaterally symmetric exponential in which the terms "e" the base of exponentials, and phi, the golden mean, curiously enter as parameters in the overall creativity function. The results of the function can be worked out on a standard electronic calculator and plotted on a computer.

From the such a computation, it is clear that at IQ's below 60 on standard testing like a GRE, or conversely at IQ's above 140 as evidenced on a test like the GRE, one sees an individual blossoming with creative expression. This is a result of the bilaterally symmetric functional form of Equation (1) above. It suggests that those with low IQ's achieve creativities, quite often, that approach those of high IQ, typically such low IQ creative expression comes through the creativity exhibited in the technical arts and with other savants like the blind, indigent musical savants that are known in the world.

What is curious about the simple calculator computation cited above, is the turning points for creative expression at 60 and 140 IQ points, respectively. It is as if Nature has turned on in the brain of an individual scoring beyond these limits of intelligence, a sort of "Creativity Genie" which, in effect, compels such individuals, no matter the circumstances that they are under, to blossom somehow and someway, in the direction of their innate creativity, and to nearly fully express themselves to the absolute degree of their innate intelligence to better than 99.9% of the time. It is the belief of the author's of this "creativity function", shown as Equation (1), that perhaps such a function is >99.9% accurate within a given population.

Yet another relation that can be gleaned from Equation (1), is a relation for the golden ratio, ubiquitous in mathematical formulations and relations, in terms of the I.Q. and the so-called "creativity parameter", I , introduced in Equation (1). The latter relation is shown as (2) below:

(2) "golden ratio" = phi = (I.Q. - 100)^2/(100·e·ln I)

It is fascinating that the golden mean can be brought into a relation with intelligence, measured by I.Q., and creativity measured by I. It suggests an underlying harmony of the construction of the human mind and quantifies for all time the mechanism of action of the creative process.

There is, indeed, a further relation developed out of (2) that represents a measure of the quality of an individual's creative output. This relation involves pi and phi and is on a more tenuous footing. Roughly relation (3) below reports a %age of works, of an author, above a standard measure of quality, Q, in their respective area of expertise. This relation is currently under investigation and development. Here below in (3) Q represents the quality of an individuals work in conjunction with their I.Q.

(3) "golden ratio" = phi = (I.Q. - 100)^2/(100·pi·ln Q)


Given the advances of the planet hunters of today, who now are able to spectroscopically focus in on the composition of extrasolar planetary atmospheres, and to judge whether life might exist on a given planet................................one has to ask the question, what is the ultimate astronomical resolving power, will we one day be able to focus in on people and events on an extrasolar planet, indeed is someone out there looking at our development through ultimate astronomical resolution?

As John Lennon aptly said, "well we all shine on, like the moons and the stars and the suns, yes we all shine on, like the moons and the stars and the suns.........". This is apt for todays planet hunters, for it is as if the universe somehow has recorded, at the speed of light, each and every individual's innermost secrets and actions to one day be resolved through the signature they have made in the light of day or the dark of night, by some fancy astronomical contraption of the ultimate astronomical resolving power........

Thus John Lennon spoke of "Instant Karma" where when you die your life is played out before your eyes, as a very long and sometimes convoluted screenplay before you, and a neutral analysis and critique is projected onto you of each and every one of your actions in your life. And Lennon speaks thus, "You better get yourself together brother, pretty soon you're gonna be dead...................well we all shine on, like the moons and the suns and the stars, yes we all shine on, everyone come on................."


E.J. Corey is a singular figure in organic synthesis, like Robert Burns Woodward before him, and, like Robert Burns Woodward before him, he has won the Nobel prize for his work there. By extension, due to some conversations he was party to at the birth of the ideas of orbitals in chemistry, he, by extension of his greatness, assumed he had done the work there for another Nobel prize. That this is not true is explicated in the following statement.

The extended Hueckel method was the first scheme to explicitly generalize the concept and use of orbitals in quantum mechanical calculations of molecules. Roald Hoffmann was the principal architect of extended Hueckel as an algorithm applicable across the Periodic Table. After extended Hueckel Roald Hoffmann moved to introduce the orbital not only numerically in computations, but as an iconographic device from which relationships and theories of excited states and ground states of molecules could be worked out, through which chemical reaction mechanisms could be profitably dissected, through which electronic structures of molecules in 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-dimensions could be schematically pictured, etc. The principal results of this grand body of work are (1) an isolobal analogy construct of fragments of molecules containing elements drawn from across the Periodic table to explain their chemical properties (2) a theory of electrocyclic organic chemical reactions based upon concepts of symmetry of MO's in their quantum mechanical formulation, and a set of rules underpinning electrocyclic reactivity (3) the explicit and ubiquitous introduction of orbitals as iconographic objects in discussing and rationalizing the electronic spectroscopy of molecules across the Periodic Table (4) the explicit introduction of these iconographic orbitals, with their strict group theoretical quantum mechanical underpinnings in the language of solid state theory (5) the orbital description of the insulator-to-metal transition in organic crystalline allotropic materials by iconographic reasoning (6) the richness with which the extended Hueckel method that Roald Hoffmann was the principal architect of, was applied to many many chemical systems as diverse as catalytic surfaces, to hypothetical inorganic and organic materials.

In this list of accomplishments one sees the reasons for the Nobel prize to Roald Hoffmann. Oppositely, it appears that E.J. Corey's only claim to any credit in all of this, is with respect to (2) in the list above, where he MAY have made a CHANCE COMMENT on chemical reactivity early on and never properly followed up on it. The point is moot indeed. E.J. Corey had virtually NO INFLUENCE on Roald Hoffmann's career as a theorist.



Old & New Testaments of the Bible, various authors

Last Temptation of Christ, Nikos Kazantakis

Trout Fishing in America, Richard Brautigan

A Walk Across America

Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig

Crime & Punishment, Fyodor Doestevsky

The Fall, Albert Camus

The Stranger, Albert Camus

The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck

The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger

Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak

The Pearl, John Steinbeck

Welcome to the Monkey House , Kurt Vonnegut

Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut

The Siren's of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut

Barn Burning, William Faulkner

A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner

The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell-Bill Moyers

How to Live Longer & Feel Better, Linus Pauling

Winesburg, OH, Sherwood Anderson

Travels with Charley, John Steinbeck

The Man Who Would be King, Rudyard Kipling

Kim, Rudyard Kipling

A Passage to India, E.M. Forster

The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka

Poetry of Robert Frost, Robert Frost

Poetry of Emily Dickinson, Emily Dickinson

Poetry of John Keats, John Keats

Poetry of William Blake, William Blake

The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare

James and the Giant Peach, Roald Dahl

Othello, William Shakespeare

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl

Me and My Arrow

Leonard & the Time Machine

Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller

Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett

Charlotte's Web, Roald Dahl

Night, Elie Wiesel

Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne

The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment, Nathaniel Hawthorne

Roger Malvin's Burial, Nathaniel Hawthorne

Bartelby the Scrivner

The Misfit, Flannery O'Connor

Revelation, Flannery O'Connor

The Celestial Railroad, Nathaniel Hawthorne

How Green Was My Valley, Richard Llewellyn

Aesop's Fable's, Aesop

Mathematical Excursions, A.K. Dewdney

Soliton, Roald Hoffmann

Memory Effects, Roald Hoffmann

Chemistry Imagined, Roald Hoffmann

The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, Roald Hoffmann

The Same & Not the Same, Roald Hoffmann

The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Linus Pauling

The Architecture of Molecules, Linus Pauling

Boron Hydrides, William Lipscomb

Chemical Applications of Group Theory, F. Albert Cotton

Three Dimensional Nets & Polyhedra, A.F. Wells

2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke

Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Steven Spielberg

Arrowsmith, Sinclair Lewis

Babbitt, Sinclair Lewis

Illustrated Man, Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury

The Farm, George Orwell

1984, George Orwell

The Time Machine, H.G. Wells

Island of Doctor Moreau, H.G. Wells

Andromeda Strain, Michael Crichton

A Different Universe, Robert Laughlin

The New Alchemists, Robert Hazen

The Breakthrough, Robert Hazen

Ideas & Opinions, Albert Einstein

Introduction to Crystallography, Donald Sands

Lectures in Physics, Richard Feynman

Adventures of a Curious Character, Richard Feynman

What Do You Care What Other People Think?, Richard Feynman

The Ascent of Man, Jacob Bronoski

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, E. Anderson

Quantum Mechanics, Richard Liboff


It was thus young Goodman Brown leaving his beloved Faith (my wife) to meet a trusted Village Elder in the woods for a sacred meeting..................and Brown enters the woods and all manner of spiritual menagerie pop up before his eyes taking form out of the branches and the roots of trees...............but no it is OK, and Brown proceeds deeper into the forest................when all at once there appears his wise, trusted Elder at the base of a huge tree marking a fork in the path...................he is carrying a great staff, and nothing is said as he points the way further into the woods............

At some point they meet up with others from the village that he recognizes, and they all proceed to a gathering in a clearing....................Brown stands there and, lo and behold, there begins a great fire, and a wicked chant and dance starts amongst the villagers who are in this clearing, his trusted Elder dons a white robe and a matching odd white hat shaped like a cone..............his staff transforms into a huge snake in his hand and he directs the Puritan villagers into all manner of acts of inequity in the midst of the clearing in the fiorest

Brown runs from the gathering terrified and losing his way, calling all the while for his Faith ........................

and later he wakes up in Faith's arms sobbing and shaken so from the night terror, that he never is the same again in life...............When he sees the people from the village that were in his dream he shrinks in a kind of madness................From that day forward young Goodman Brown becomes old Goodman Brown as he carries on his duties in life as half the man he was in his youth, and as he ages so, prematurely..................


Incidently, on living forever or controling the aging process, consider "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment", this is the short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne where a Dr. Heidegger, who is a prominent medical doctor in New England in the 19th century, procures an elixir of life from the Fountain of Youth recently discovered by Juan Ponce de Leon, the Governor of Puerto Rico, in a search in 1513 in Florida. He tests the elixir on a crumpled rose that is all dried up and it comes back to life as rosy as the day it bloomed. He then gives the elixir to 3 friends who are very old and they slowly, over a period of hours, return to their youth.......................but they unfortunately retain their same human social frailties and shortcomings as they had all along in their miserable lives, and then subsequently revert permanently to their old age, albeit slowly. In other words, the transformation back to youth did not change their inherent selfish dispositions. And this is the lesson of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment", the morale being that the gift of immortality would not change our world from being the hurt-filled, miserable place it is now...........................


In light of the recent News story on the modification of the laws of gravity, as evidenced by recent space probe data from NASA of which a report and an analysis will be appearing in Physical Review later in 2008: "NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes", as is described in the news item from the press www.space.com/scienceastronomy/080229-spacecraft-anomaly.html

A possible scenario for working out this situation may be the following. We thus have Newton's generic result, or Kepler's result, for gravity as:

(i) F = mxMxG/r^2

where the force of gravity, F, goes as the inverse square of the distance between two bodies of mass m and M, and G is a proportionality constant.
Perhaps this had better be replaced by a power series in r, as:
(ii) F = (mxMxG/r^2) + (mxMxG'/r^1) + (mxMxG''/r^0) + (mxMxG'''/r^-1) + (mxMxG''''/r^-2) + ..............+ (mxMxG(N)/r^-N)
With the coefficients G, being of such magnitude and proper dimensions that it appears that perhaps (i) is the answer for all such cases. The constant term could be defined for certain masses, and the constant term, and the inverse powers would contribute the bulk to the gravity force.


In 1993 or so, as I moved into the York House on Main Street in Moravia, NY, I recall being told about Millard Fillmore's burden. He had run nationally as a Vice Presidential candidate from New York on a Zachary Taylor New York-Kentucky ticket. Taylor got into Office as a hero of the Mexican-American War but was not sitting on his laurels.

He moved to end the Fugitive Slave Law enacted in a bitterly partisan Congress, then recently, and supported by the previous President. This made agents in the South worried, and the burgeoning Confederacy movement was given it catalysis then. Agents of the Southern Confederacy movement moved to try to assassinate Taylor in his stride. And he eventually was assassinated by poisioning with arsenic.

Millard Fillmore, who history has cast a shadow on, took office in 1850 and pledged to his closest associates that he would indeed, "work as a Taylor (tailor), not unlike when I was a boy in New York". And work like a Taylor he did, suffering from arsenic poisionings, like Taylor before him, throughout his Presidency as he stood his ground and tried to balance his interests in forwarding Taylor's abolitionist agenda in the White House, while trying to maintain order and prevent the USA from splitting apart.

Fillmore clearly was on the side of the Northern abolitionists and suffered greatly in Office from the periodic poisionings he endured, as he tried to work as a Taylor in Office. Fillmore was thus really an heroic President of the United States. His Presidential term ended in 1853, yet during his short tenure in office he managed to make the first official ties of the United States with the Far East, by establishing U.S. relations with Japan in 1852, as well as trying to abolish the Fugitive Slave Law in his stride during his term.

Later he would try in vain to make a political comeback in an organized party that was later sarcastically dubbed the "Know Nothing Party" because it was widely known that Fillmore had been poisioned in Office in the South, yet he and the US government had no knowledge of such poisionings. The label the "Know Nothing Party" will go down in the historical record as one of the most sarcastic moments in American History. Fillmore died a man satisfied by his life's work in Buffalo, NY in the 1870's.



If you took NYState and divided it in half just where I-81 crosses the State, the Western half might be called, "The Finger Lakes" and it would be a U.S. state just like any other of the 50, the so-called 51st state of, "The Finger Lakes". The Capital of such a place might be Syracuse or Rochester or Buffalo. Where the Eastern half of what is now NY State would be called NY and it would have its Capital in NYC or Albany perhaps. "The Finger Lakes", as the 51st state would be world renowned for its natural beauty and it would be perhaps a world-renowned resort area of unprecedented popularity..............With unheard of vistas and waterways of beauty.............

The Finger Lakes is Hans Bethe and Hans Bethe is the Finger Lakes. I used to love to drive from Ithaca to what Seward called, "The most beautiful natural body of water in the World", that being Skaneatlas Lake, and then, on the way, through Moravia the sleepy town of 3 Presidents, the 13th President of the United States (1850-1853), Millard Fillmore, the 1st President and founder of Cornell University, Andrew Dickson White (ca. 1865), and the President of his self-created, billion dollar oil empire called Standard Oil, the industrialist John D. Rockefeller (ca. 1890). What historical wonder and Finger Lakes Splendour, why is it Moravia is such a magical place..............

Then I used to drive to Watkins Glen and Hammondsport , through wine country, and drink a bottle of Wagner's and drive my $140.00 sky blue Fairmont through the Finger Lakes National Forest and onwards. And swim in every little sleepy lake point I could find, and then listen to Gordon Lightfoot sing at night about, "Seven Islands Splendour". Then the next week be a part of Roald Hoffmann's world-renowned and celebrated theory group, having a group meeting at Cornell. Those were certainly some of the best days of my life, and some of the worst days of my life............



In the first paper on glitter, (M.J. Bucknum and R. Hoffmann, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116, 11456, (1994)), the name for this metallic C allotrope comes from Shakespeare's play entitled "The Merchant of Venice", based upon its supposed metallic lustre. Thus, from the quote, read by the Prince of Morocco to Portia, from the scroll in the eyesocket of the skull contained in the Gold casket we learn in Act II, Scene VII that:
All that glitters is not gold
Often have you heard that told
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold
Gilded tombs do worms enfold
Had you been as wise as bold
Young in limbs, in judgement old
Your answer had not been enscroll'd
Fate you well, your suit is cold
This is good indeed, and makes for a wonderment and fascination, it seems that no matter how much money you have in the world, you cannot take it with you to the afterworld when you die.................Thus Portia's portrait was not found in the Gold or Silver caskets, but in the base Lead casket.....................The imagery here of Lead to Gold is certainly suggestive of the search for the philosopher's stone by the alchemists active in Shakespeare's era.................This quotation, abovementioned, comes from a scene in the play, "The Merchant of Venice" in which various suitors come to meet the princess-like Portia and compete for her honor in matrimony. The list is narrowed to 3 suitors, the Prince of Morocco, the Prince of Arragon, and a third suitor named Bassanio. Someone devises a test for the 3 suitors, in which they have to choose between 3 caskets, one a Gold casket, one a Silver casket and one a Lead casket to try to uncover a portrait of Portia in one of the caskets and so gain the favor of Portia in matrimony. Bassanio opens the Lead casket and uncovers Portia's portait and triumphs in matrimony with her.

You that choose not by the view
Chance as fair, and choose as true!
Since this fortune falls to you,
Be content and seek no new.
If you be well pleased with this,
And hold your fortune for your bliss,
Turn you where your lady is,
And claim her with a loving kiss.

The Lead-to-Gold imagery, in Act II, Scene VII of the "Merchant of Venice" is thus certainly suggestive of one of the philospher's stone and the everlasting search for the secret to immortality by the alchemists of Shakespeare's day. The Philospher's Stone, it has come to be understood, was supposed to be that substance which could transform a base metal (Lead) into a noble metal (Gold), and this all had some connection with the notion of one attaining a recipe for immortality. In other words, one would find the secret of the Holy Grail if one could transform Lead into Gold........................................And we certainly know that Newton exhaustively tried to do so. With the choice of the name glitter, one is transcending this Lead-to-Gold alchemical imagery of the past, of the search for the philosopher's stone, which is suggestive in the "Merchant of Venice"......................to a more modern interpretation of a virtually ethereal substance, the search for a virtual substance..............................an allotrope of Carbon, in which it is widely known that Carbon, surely among the elements, spells the secret of life.
This ethereal substance that we call glitter possesses incredible properties as has been published, it is harder than diamond on the one hand, the hardest material known to mankind, and with its published 3D resonance structures, it resembles indeed a classical BCS-type superconductor with conduction by pi electron pairs unidirectionally along the c-axis. It seems, thus, that glitter is indeed perhaps the most perfect conductor, and harder than diamond as well.....................................Glitter transcends the transformation of Lead-to-Gold by being a material even more extraordinary than Gold is, and rarer still....................................Like the alchemist's philosopher's stone, and the search for the Holy Grail that have come before it, it is indeed the perfect construction of an ethereal concept, here an allotropic substance of Carbon..............................and as such its synthesis will never be attained. It is simply too remarkable a material on paper, with such properties as perfect conductivity and perfect strength, to ever really exist in reality. This is the secret of the name glitter.............................it is like the sparkle in your eyes, it is ethereal as is the secret of life..........


The question is, was the Universe designed, and I think that for biology to succeed as well as it has on the Earth, that one can say that indeed biology was designed, and the design principle was evolution. Biology was designed, therefore, on the basis of evolution, and biology rests on chemistry principles and chemistry rests of physics principles, so yes, by extension the Universe was designed, and one might say the evidence for this is revealed in the fine tuning of the structural constants of the Universe. They are so finely tuned, it could be no other way. It is indeed, not misguided, to interpret the Anthropic Principle as a Theistic Principle, based upon an evolutionary design principle. All of this is summed up in a very plainly spoken essay by Edward T. Oakes (attached), a Jesuit scholar, who called it simply, "Darwinian Platonism". You would have to be braindead or an idiot not to understand this essay. It is about as clearly written an argument for a design principle in the universe as there is. And you say what about the randomness in the world, and I say the world is driven towards intelligence and such apparently random forces play their role in the design process as well through a timeless principle of Karma. We are supposedly inexplicably driven, compelled one might say, towards intelligence, argue the Godless scientists........................why not turn it around and say that the design that compells us towards intelligence is GOD INCARNATE after all....................God became delocalized in the physics and chemistry and biology of the UNIVERSE when the almighty Creation began, and as we move to complexity and intelligence, as we move to the Platonic realm of Creation, so we reconstitute God in the images of Creation. We are thus compelled towards intelligence, and thence towards Platonism, and we will exist as a Universe of Perfect Forms some time in the future.
Edward T. Oakes, S.J. (www.counterbalance.net/bio/oakes-frame.html) has thus enunciated the principle of Darwinian Platonism in an essay delivered at St. Edmund's College, Cambridge University in the 1990's. The principle is thus: that just as the evolution of wings presupposes the presence of air in the atmosphere of the Earth, and the evolution of the eye (on some 9 separate occasions, biologists tell us) presupposes the presence and ubiquity of light in the world...................so the evolution of the concious mind with its access to mathematical truth, artistic expression and creativity, does indeed imply the existence of a kind of "mental air" or Platonic world that does indeed exist by virtue of the evolution of conciousness in human beings on the Earth................It is believed in this context that the pathway to Fulfillment is clearly through a kind of "natural selection" of ideas and actions in one's lifetime carried forth into the subsequent lifetimes through a mechanism consistent with Darwinian Platonism that leads one's soul ultimately to a state of Fulfillment, the proper form of creativity. The principles of this "natural selection" process of the development of the individual are outlined below.
I. Conservation of Dualisms (i.e. Conservation of Good-and-Evil, Male-and-Female, Love-and-Hate, Being-and-Not being, Elegant-and-Inelegant, True-and-False, Compassion-and-Neglect, Passion-and-Responsibility, etc.) Like the classical Chemical principles of mass and energy conservation of Newton and La Voisier, and the modern Physical principle of Einstein of mass-energy equivalence, so there is a scientific precedent for a Principle of the Conservation of Dualisms in the world. Thus it is here that we see that mass and energy are positioned as principles that are situated as dual, or opposed, to each other in the natural world. In the same way there is a humanistic dualism of good and evil, in which every living thing possesses an unchangeable balance of good and evil in their make-up. This balance of good and evil is accompanied by like balances of the other dualisms in the world, all in various proportions depending on the individual and the overall balance of the given dualisms in the world over time. This principle corresponds to the Greek element Earth or the cube.
II. For Every Action there is a Reaction (i.e. Law of Dualistic Detailed Balancing, or the Principle of Karma) You might alternatively call this a Principle of Karma operative in the Universe, where a being's free will actions in one lifetime determine the scope and content of his future lifetime and subsequent lifetimes in keeping with the Principle of the Conservation of Dualisms. This Principle of Karma is also measured and in keeping with the Principle of Cyclicity discussed below and in conjunction with the mechanism of Darwinian Platonism that is operable on it. This principle corresponds to the Greek element Air or the octahedron.

III: Everything is Connected to Everything Else (i.e. Principle of Universal Connectedness, the mechanism underlying the operation of the Principle of Karma) This Principle of Universal Connectedness insures that the Principles of the Conservation of Dualisms and Karma work properly in a seamless manner. The Principle of Universal Connectedness is the secret behind the mechanism of the action of Karma. This principle corresponds to the Greek element Quintessence or the dodecahedron.

IV: Creativity (Free Will) is a Consequence of the Inherent Dualistic Tensions (i.e. Principle of the Free Will Construction of the World) This generates the World around us. The Principle of Free Will explains the purpose of life, the creative act, and the mechanism of Free Will is based in the inherent tensions that exist in the individual from his experiences in the World around him. This is what Joseph Campbell calls "the organs in conflict with each other", The Power of Myth. Creativity arises out of the inherent tensions of Good-vs-Evil within each individual, for example, as well as the operations of the other complementary dualisms operational in the individual and as influenced by their environment. This principle corresponds to the Greek element Water or the icosahedron.

V. Darwinian Platonism and the Principle of Cyclicity (Theology): Access to Fulfillment (the Platonic Realm, Nirvanna) is achieved by the proper understanding of Principles (1)-(4) and the resulting attainment of the proper form of self-expression (proper creative expression) attained by an entity through myriad cycles of life and death under the mechanism of Darwinian Platonism. This Principle of Cyclicity enunciates the meaning of life, which is to attain an understanding of the world through self-expression...............so-called learning................it is a never-ending process just as is life itself. There is an eternal well-spring of life and so for knowledge. This principle corresponds to the Greek element Fire or the tetrahedron.

The Principles of Life of MJB are based on the Manicheanistic theistic idea of governing dualisms in the world. It is a dualistic worldview. The philosophy can be distilled into 5 fundamental governing ideas (or 5 governing tensions), that correspond to the 5 Platonic solids of the Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato's, Cosmogony, or System of the World, as described above. Above all, as the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas reads (as interpreted by Joseph Campbell (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Campbell), The Power of Myth), "The Kingdom of Heaven is here on the Earth, and Men do not see it................" The (5) principles enunciated above govern the operation of the world, and it is only within the world, and from an understanding of such principles as these (or their equivalent statements in other traditions) that we can hope to achieve various approximations to proper self-expression and to attain an understanding (belief) in the orderly operation of the world, from what seems to be a decidedly disorderly and random scheme.
Overall, the arrow of time suggests that Good has the upper hand over Evil (and so the other dualisms can be analogously interpreted) in the balance, and that because of this things appear to tend toward goodness and order and organization, rather than evil and disorder and chaos. But I have no principle for this in my scheme. The dualisms are balanced as they are as finely tuned constants of the tapestry of the world.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow;I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain; I am the gentle autumn's rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there; I did not die. (Author Unknown)
from Leonard Alderman, Burlington, Connecticut, February 15, 2008