Monday, August 28, 2017


According to Alexander Graham Bell and Albert Einstein and a number of other famous people……..what you think about and what you thank about……you bring about. Einstein himself famously reasoned, “thoughts and more thoughts are a preview of life’s coming attractions”. This lifelong lesson about the nature of the human experience and of how to conduct oneself in life is called the law of attraction. Simply stated the law of attraction holds that whatever you think about and hope about you will bring about. There are also several corollaries to the law of attraction, namely that one has to be grateful for what they already have……….that one has to begin with an attitude of gratitude about their current circumstances before moving forward in any dedicated effort to invoke the law of attraction and its effects in one’s life. Yet another corollary of the law of attraction is that the scale of what is thought about and desired in the creative process correlates with the relative difficulty and length of time required in order for the associated law of attraction thought or wish to be achieved or to otherwise reach fruition. There is a so-called creative process that one is required to carry out in the course of realizing a thought or wish according to this scheme. In the creative process there are 3 steps……..(1) in the first step one “asks” the universe for an outcome to happen…….(2) one next believes in what was asked for in (1) to happen……..And (3) one experiences the realization of one’s thoughts and actions in (1) and (2) by receiving the effects and/or material worth of the desired hopes or thoughts……….The creative process is thus ask-believe-receive. Thus the law of attraction is put to work by the mechanism of the creative process. In this process it is of  primary importance to “visualize” the nature of the thoughts and hopes that are the subject of the law of attraction……….according to and within steps (1) and (2) outlined here. The importance of visualization in the creative process cannot be overstated…………in most cases you need to make drawings or pictures of what it is you want……….or write down in words what it is that you want…….all the while knowing and being cognizant of the relative scale of one’s wish or hope, and remembering that the larger or grander the scale of a thought or action within the creative process……..the more difficult it will be to achieve it, and the longer time duration that will be required to achieve it. Negativity and negative thoughts have a degrading effect on the nature of the law of attraction……….Thoughts and hopes once initiated in a creative process need to be moved along or pushed along, consistently throughout the duration of the creative process, with supporting and supportive positive thinking and positive actions. Just like the prime importance of visualization in the creative process, so too is the law of attraction carried forth towards the ultimate realization of thoughts by positive thinking and positive actions. The human brain has 10’s of 1000’s of thoughts every day………some proportion of the thoughts are negative thinking and some proportion of the thoughts are positive thinking. Within the creative process one has to develop an “attitude of gratitude” in daily life………you have to feel better and think better in order for things to do better………Trying to reduce negativity and lessen the degrading effects of negative thinking in one’s creative process. Positive actions can heighten positive thinking and include helping others in life through charitable giving and charitable works. Finally, it is to be pointed out the similarity of the law of attraction to the structure of the various faiths of the World and the universal practice of prayer…………where one calls upon a spiritual entity to direct one’s thoughts and hopes toward, in order to answer one’s requests rather than the Universe itself, as one carries out in the creative process. The universal practice of prayer and the less practiced law of attraction are analogous processes and it is encouraged by the writer that one simply employ BOTH methods interchangeably to strengthen the desired outcomes of both in daily life.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


"the sequences of the last digit in the sequences of the powers of the integers have recurring patterns that repeat every 5 successive sequences and occur in repeating 10 digit intervals"

"the sequences of the last digit in the sequences of the powers of the integers are according to the power p, thus"

p = 1     0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0.........

p = 2     0-1-4-9-6-5-6-9-4-1-0.........

p = 3     0-1-8-7-4-5-6-3-2-9-0.........

p = 4     0-1-6-1-6-5-6-1-6-1-0.........

p = 5     0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0.........

p = 6     0-1-4-9-6-5-6-9-4-1-0.........

p = 7     0-1-8-7-4-5-6-3-2-9-0.........

p = 8     0-1-6-1-6-5-6-1-6-1-0.........

and so on.......

Friday, August 18, 2017


The mineralogists claim nanocrystalline c-diamond, h-diamond, n-diamond and i-carbon occur deposited in the geological record across 4 continents. Attached is a PNAS paper documenting that at least 10 million metric tonnes of impact spherules are deposited on the Earth.......including predominantly C spherules which contain c-diamond, h-diamond, n-diamond and i-carbon within the C there may be several million metric tonnes of n-diamond and i-carbon nanocrystalline minerals in the geological record.............I point out to you also that there are 10 Bragg reflections for n-diamond nanocrystals and 9 Bragg reflections for i-carbon nanocrystals...........In my combined analysis I am able to fit 17 of these reflections to tetragonal glitter to within an averaged deviation of less than 2%........I wonder how many Bragg reflections are required to solve c-diamond macrocrystals...........I bet it is not more than 24 independent reflections (3 coordinate parameters times 8 C atoms/unit cell). I am very surprised considering these facts that some mineralogist.......or ANY mineralogist does not get together with their local electron microscopist and do a thorough analysis of these nanodiamonds in the geological record and thus prove my "glitter" model right or wrong in the end..........what is stalling is now 2017 and something anything should have been started over 3 years ago in 2014.........It is puzzling Roald the lack of interest.


Like you I care about Charley and Mikka. I think about them sometimes and I thought that maybe they had died after 8 years plus 6 years before that. I walk down the street here to go swimming at the ocean and I always have to walk past our old apartment building and see our old apartment on Freeman Street. My friend David Goodman has heard me tell him many times about how I lived with you there and I point out to him the door and windows of our old apartment there. At times when I look at the apartment I remember living there with you and some of the good things that happened to us when we lived there together.........Including we bought Mikka and brought her home to Charley in this apartment and Charley got very upset and very sick when Mikka started to live with him there. And I remember the good times when we lived there and you just started to work at GIA and you earned your first certifications for your career work there.........I had no idea that GIA would be such a great employer for you and give you a lifetime of working and earning so much money. Your brother Andy got you the job at GIA and he was really a very successful brother for you who takes care of you in life Hsicheng........But your brother never really cared for me much. Anyway I am grateful for your brother helping you and me..........And I am grateful for Claire thinking enough about me to contact me last Christmas and ask me to talk to you........Yes but I walk past Freeman Street every day or week and I remember living with you there and all that we did together then, and I remember writing and publishing all of those mathematics-chemistry papers during this time as well........It causes me a lot of pain sometimes walking past our old apartment on Freeman Street........Please remember all that I did for you in life and how I loved you as my wife the entire time we were together........remember how I helped you Hsicheng then


Try to remember my house in Moravia. I probably would have kept that house and when we married we would have lived there........except for difficulties and problems I had with some professors and others at Cornell. Roald Hoffmann was trying always to help me (people were trying to get me kicked out of Cornell without a PhD degree.......some people were trying very hard to do this).......But our romance happened mostly in Moravia in my house there called the "York House".......named after a school teacher named "Cora York".........You and I lived there in Moravia for almost a year or you remember going to that park there in Moravia called "Fillmore Glen"? The park was named after Millard Fillmore the 13th President of the USA who was born deep inside the gorge in the you remember we went there in the wintertime in the snow and had a sled that we used in the trails there? And do you remember in the summertime when I went swimming in the natural stone pool in that park and you watched me swim? Do you remember that old antique bed I had that we slept in and we had sex then in this you remember when I slept with you and I held you in the middle of the night as the snow fell outside and the wind made the house shake from side to side like it was going to fall down? We shared the seasons of 3 years in that old haunted York House in Moravia and I drove you around in my Plymouth Voyager golden van and we went to Ithaca and around the Finger Lakes in the golden van while we lived together in Moravia...........I did a paper once on a beautiful pattern I discovered in Georgia that I called the "Moravia Network"..........see attached is a golden network Hsicheng and I named it for Millard Fillmore and John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Dickson White who were the Moravia network........I will explain some time. Moravia was the place that I first fell in love with you........And you are written in to this Moravia paper as well as 11 other papers as my loving wife.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Goedel's proof that no axiomatic system is completely closed........opens the doors to the validity of the various faiths. By Goedel's own reasoning it is clear that Nature is not closed........but is an eternally open book. There is a blind God who metes out justice by a law of detailed balancing of goods and evils...........both natural and artificial........and the life that happens within the natural World is profoundly round and round it goes.