Tuesday, June 29, 2021


The classical inverse square laws...i.e. Coulomb's inverse square law of electrostatics and Newton's inverse square law of gravitation...could be modified by adding an inverse linear term (either attractive or repulsive) and a zeroth-order constant term. For gravity one could use the electron and proton masses, as canonical masses, and for electrostatics one could use the fundamental unit of electric charge...and for both laws the "r" inverse power term could be taken as the Bohr radius. One could investigate either case, the inverse linear term either attractive or repulsive, with a transparent graphing program on a desktop computer and see what happens to the gravitational and electrostatic forces under these types of perturbations. The zeroth order term and the inverse linear term would have proportionality constants of the appropriate dimensions and magnitude to reproduce the observed inverse square laws, on the Earth, that Coulomb and Newton first identified in the classical era of physics...I note, in this connection, that NASA has observed anomalies in the trajectory of motion, at times, in the solar system...of NASA space probes investigating the solar system.

Sunday, June 27, 2021


Every molecule is represented by a graph. The simpler molecules, i.e. diatomic, triatomic, etc. have degeneracies. To lift the degeneracies one needs to add the weighted average atomic number to the graph's description. Thus "r" is designated as the weighted average atomic number of a graph...and it forms an ordered triplet with the polygonality, "n", and the connectivity "p" of the respective graph. The triplet is thus designated in the form of a Cartesian triplet (n, p, r) in n-p-r space. Thus "n" is defined as 2E/F and "p" is defined as 2E/V from the Euler relation, or its analog for graphs known as the Schlaefli relation...V - E + F = 2 or 1, respectively. Little is gained from this analysis and plotting data for small molecules...but for medium and large sized molecules the triplet (n, p, r) has empirical importance and the n-p-r coordinates thus may be useful as descriptors in a structure-property analysis. It is also to be noted that n-p-r ratios and products...i.e. n/p and p/r etc. and np and npr etc. could produce other, alternative molecular descriptors, in this connection, for further structure-property analysis. The sheer plotting of n-p-r data in 3-space for enough molecules may lead to new insights between otherwise disparate molecules, that could lead to new directions in the research of their chemistries thus...MJB