Saturday, January 25, 2020


The credit for the theoretical discovery of glitter is divided 50-50 between Roald Hoffmann and Michael Bucknum. Roald Hoffmann was (1) the lead author on the theory of spiroconjugation from (JACS 1967); and was (2) lead author of the theory of the insulator-to-metal transition in 3-,4-connected C nets from (JACS 1987); and was (3) lead author on the (10, 3) metallic C network (JACS 1983) that is in a related series with (6, 4) cubic diamond and (7, 3.333...) tetragonal glitter; and was (4) co-author with me on the glitter network (JACS 1994); and was (5) co-author of "supercubane" C network with Johnston; and was (6) co-author with Dasari and Bucknum on the sguaroglitter network pattern...and RH is the acknowledged "doctor" of the development of MO's and CO's. For points (1)-(6) RH gets 50% of the credit for the theoretical discovery of glitter. Michael Bucknum gets 50% of the credit for the theoretical discovery of glitter for (1) co-authorship of the first glitter paper in (JACS 1994) and for (2) the description of spiroconjugation in glitter (Carbon 1997). The experimental discovery of n-diamond and i-carbon is due to a number of scientists including Palatnik in Russia (1984) and Hirai and Kondo in Japan (1991) and Yamada in Japan (1994) and Bursill in Australia (1999) etc


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