Are there "missing" allotropes of C? Structurally what form would they take on. The answer is clear...the average polygon size per structural unit and the averaged connectivity, over the stoichiometry of the net, are the key factors. Carbon occurs in 6-gons and later as fullerenes and nanotubes admixed with 5-gons. Networks that are comprised of 6-gons only are the most likely networks to happen...i.e. graphene and diamond and "the hexagonites". Taking a step away from this, are nets comprised of 6-gons exclusively admixed with 8-gons or 4-gons...i.e. "the glitter series networks"....why 8-gons and 4-gons? Because polygon circuits of even number lend themselves to patterns of higher symmetries than those patterns with 7-gons etc and carbon grows or crystallizes in patterns tending to high symmetry. But the overarching logic of C, from organic chemistry principles, is that if there is a pattern of C, known for 1000's of years, comprised of cyclohexane rings...and there is an alternative pattern of C, known for 1000's of years, comprised of benzene-like building blocks...then by logic there ought to be a allotrope of C in between, comprised of cyclohexadiene-like building blocks...i.e. "the glitter series networks"...they are the most favorable networks by reasoning with organic chemistry principles. That was my whole way of reasoning about the logic of C from the troubled days that I had as a graduate student.