Thursday, December 25, 2014



Rudyard Kipling was a great writer of the 19th and 20th centuries. His stories have been made into Hollywood movies. He was well-traveled but lived in India mostly, and in England and some time in New England. He did not like America in the early 1900's although I think he married an American Caucasian woman. He lived in Vermont but left after a while and never came back to North America again, preferring to live in India. The point of this passage is that Kipling is a reincarnationist; he believed in reincarnation. He borrowed his faith from Christian and Hindu beliefs in a mixture, believing in Christian principles and the New Covenant, on the one hand, but adopting influences from Hindu faith and melding Christianity with Hinduism together. Among Kipling‘s collected works there is at least one short story he wrote that addresses reincarnation directly. The story is about a sort of analyst who has a client that goes in to semi-conscious spells in which he vividly recalls past historical events in the role as various protagonists or witnesses to history. And then the client recovers from the spell and cannot recall anything that transpired and has no particular historical knowledge. It happens over the course of weeks or months while the analyst is visiting from far away in to London. The client is just an ordinary office clerk in his 20's who is not in any way particularly distinguished. Kipling writes, "the door is shut" to describe this experience. And he means that in moving from death to rebirth there is a "blackout" period in the cyclical transformation at which all memories are evidently wiped out before beginning again. And the analyst's patient was a very rare case of one exhibiting limited access to the past lives. That otherwise the door is shut to the past and we begin anew with a blank slate. And this is how Kipling came to see things with life and the story describes his belief system about the cyclicity of life with a blackout period between lives.

Monday, December 22, 2014





R. Buckminster Fuller's vector-matrix formalism
was such that he envisioned an infinite vector for
each and every particle (or string, for that matter)

in the universe, this infinite vector of numbers or
functions represents its classical trajectory through
time, it is a purely classical theory..............each

and every one of these infinite component vectors

were then assembled into an infinite(x)infinite matrix,

the so-called vector-matrix, that operates, itself,
on an infinite-dimensional column vector representing

time evolution......................the result of this

matrix operation was, of course, a representation.............

indeed, the unique representation, of the time

evolution of the universe, precise down to every infinitesimal

detail. Everything is determined in this theory through

mechanical clockwork-like precision, the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle of quantum mechanics is no longer valid.............

Sunday, December 14, 2014



This is the most difficult piece of
writing that one can do, speaking
to a Holocaust survivor about His
faith and His God. I think that a
timeless principle of karma can
be invoked to cover the everyday
tragedies and human frailties that
confront us in a humane Society.
There are the Principles of Universal
Connectedness and Conservation of
Dualisms that control the unfolding
of events in our World, as they play
out on the plane of the everpresent.
For those Natural disasters and the
Emergence of High Evil in the purges
of humanity that occur from time to
time, there is no rational explanation
that can be postulated in our World,
and in a way that we could comprehend.
So, I say, in the end one is left with, I
believe this is accurate, the one and
only potential alternative to faith, and
this is known as Ockham's razor. It
goes something like this, "You can
believe in God or be an atheist, if you
believe in God and he exists you will
be honored for your faith. While, if
you believe in God and he doesn't
exist, so what you would have died
anyway. But if you don't believe in God
and he does, indeed, exist you may
find yourself damned in the afterlife.