This is the most difficult piece of
writing that one can do, speaking
to a Holocaust survivor about His
faith and His God. I think that a
timeless principle of karma can
be invoked to cover the everyday
tragedies and human frailties that
confront us in a humane Society.
There are the Principles of Universal
Connectedness and Conservation of
Dualisms that control the unfolding
of events in our World, as they play
out on the plane of the everpresent.
For those Natural disasters and the
Emergence of High Evil in the purges
of humanity that occur from time to
time, there is no rational explanation
that can be postulated in our World,
and in a way that we could comprehend.
So, I say, in the end one is left with, I
believe this is accurate, the one and
only potential alternative to faith, and
this is known as Ockham's razor. It
goes something like this, "You can
believe in God or be an atheist, if you
believe in God and he exists you will
be honored for your faith. While, if
you believe in God and he doesn't
exist, so what you would have died
anyway. But if you don't believe in God
and he does, indeed, exist you may
find yourself damned in the afterlife.
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