Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Opportunity and chance are more and more limited, and the corresponding "karma" of an individual is perhaps more and more determined, as one progresses from early years to later years. Therefore the question of the role of a "karma" in one's life is qualified by their age in life. There are some exceptions to this rule. In my own life I see evidences of a kind of "karma" operative. Events, at times and places, seem to be determined for me externally by forces beyond me. Everyone has coincidences that happen in their life, but most people do not pay close attention to these coincidences and do not respond to them. Coincidences in one's life can be interpreted as evidence of a kind of karma operative in one's life. Try to pay attention to coincidences, and move in their direction, or respond to them if possible, and in this way you can keep the intended karma brightly reflecting one's soul through this lifetime and subsequent lifetimes...


In Matthew chapter 7 verse 7 it thus reads, "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you..." In this quotation, from the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, one sees that Christianity teaches and endorses a belief in the "law of attraction" and all that that implies. Where the "law of attraction" can be defined in 3 words thus, "thoughts become things..." A further teaching of the "law of attraction" is thus, "whatever you think about and thank about...you will bring about" and this statement is thus evidently supported by Christian teaching through Matthew 7:7. One should thus write down on a piece of paper what they would like to get out of life...what they ask for or what they seek after thus...and keep this piece of paper with them in their wallet or pocketbook, and READ it over every month and rewrite it periodically, and keep the latest piece of paper, with its up-to-date listings, in their wallet or pocketbook. And when one thinks about their own list of things they want out of life, they should accompany this thought process with feelings of gratitude and thankfulness for what they already have in life.  Where the "law of attraction" works most effectively when one has less negativity and negative thoughts, while having much more positivity and positive thoughts. It is thus said that an "attitude of gratitude" is essentially the way one will move oneself, on their way, to the things they want out of life.