Waserite is a (3-, 4-)-connected inorganic network whose Wells point symbol has a connectivity index which forms a simple expression involving the product e(x)pi...Moravia is a (3-, 8-)-connected MOF network whose Wells point symbol has a connectivity index which forms a simple expression involving the product phi(x)e...is there, in fact, a (3-, 12-)-connected network whose Wells point symbol has a connectivity index which forms a simple expression involving some product of either e or pi or phi? Such a (3-, 12-)-connected network I cannot readily see at this point...where 3-connection that is approximately trigonal planar must be combined with 12-connection which is approximately close-packed...could such coordination motifs be combined in an (A)3(B)12 stoichiometry network, where "A" is 12-connection and "B" is 3-connection? The connectivity index is equal to "24 over 5" and is this a simple product or composite ratio involving e and pi and phi? Can this sequence "(3x4(n) + 4(n)x3) over (3 + 4(n))" with "n" = 1, 2, 3, 4, ....be continued onward to infinity bearing simple connectivity indexes that are related to simple products or composite ratios of e and pi and phi? And what is the meaning of the higher coordinations in such a sequence...like (3-, 12-) and higher? I need to see if "24 over 5" is related in a simple way to e and pi and phi...that is what I need to do next...MJB