Thursday, September 17, 2020


What if the freezing temperature of water were equal to e(x)100 or pi(x)100, in Kelvin degrees, at some pressure near atmospheric pressure? What would it mean? Is there a definition of degree of temperature that would reveal such numerical coincidences? Where are relationships to e and phi and pi hidden in Nature's vast store of numbers...? What revelations might come about from such investigations of numerical coincidences in Nature? It starts with Nature's dimensionless numbers I believe. Like reaction quotients where dimensions cancel out. And so on...It could shed light on the mysteries of Nature's numbers...

Thursday, September 10, 2020


The New Testament identifies Jesus Christ, as the bridegroom, and the church, as his bride...This on Pentecost Sunday I believe, in the Acts of the Apostles. But I argue that "organized faith" never works because of human frailties, and the diversity problems in any organized faith. Faith means different things to different people. People interpret faith in different ways therefore, and there is inherent in any "organized faith" the potential for social calamities and social upheaval and scandal. Faith is best practiced on an individual and personal basis, in the room or house that one lives their lives inside. Faith is meant to be personal and certainly not meant to be social.

Sunday, September 6, 2020


Astronomers and planet hunters have thus far identified less than 10000 extrasolar planets...but they will probably need to identify 1000 million planets before they discover another one with long will it take to identify 1000 million could take more than 1000 years with our technology...a habitable planet may be 1 in 1 billion or even far less likely than that...and there may only be less than a million planets within our observational limits from Earth...the odds are too great but we plow ahead.

Friday, September 4, 2020

3-,4- AND 3-,8- AND 3-,12-... ETC. COORDINATION

Waserite is a (3-, 4-)-connected inorganic network whose Wells point symbol has a connectivity index which forms a simple expression involving the product e(x)pi...Moravia is a (3-, 8-)-connected MOF network whose Wells point symbol has a connectivity index which forms a simple expression involving the product phi(x) there, in fact, a (3-, 12-)-connected network whose Wells point symbol has a connectivity index which forms a simple expression involving some product of either e or pi or phi? Such a (3-, 12-)-connected network I cannot readily see at this point...where 3-connection that is approximately trigonal planar must be combined with 12-connection which is approximately close-packed...could such coordination motifs be combined in an (A)3(B)12 stoichiometry network, where "A" is 12-connection and "B" is 3-connection? The connectivity index is equal to "24 over 5" and is this a simple product or composite ratio involving e and pi and phi? Can this sequence "(3x4(n) + 4(n)x3) over (3 + 4(n))" with "n" = 1, 2, 3, 4, continued onward to infinity bearing simple connectivity indexes that are related to simple products or composite ratios of e and pi and phi? And what is the meaning of the higher coordinations in such a (3-, 12-) and higher? I need to see if "24 over 5" is related in a simple way to e and pi and phi...that is what I need to do next...MJB