Friday, August 21, 2020


Michael Bucknum acknowledges here that algorithmic reasoning and thus programmatic calculations are based in logic. And as logic is a branch of mathematics, consequently algorithmic reasoning and algorithms and programs are a branch of mathematics thus...And he admits thus that some programs can have very elaborate mathematical structures and very highly mathematical results. He also notes that symbolic manipulation is algorithmic and based upon programming languages...And finally MJB admits that HIS usage of mathematics is decidedly simple-minded but also very transparent.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Infectious viral "particles" are the causative form or agent of virus-induced illness in humans...viral transmission is not by viral biomolecules suspended in is not liquid-based...viruses are thus transmitted as "particles"...the viral particles are perhaps nanometer-sized in dimension...maybe they are larger than nanometer-sized...they may form an aerosol of viral particles floating in the air like a particulate smoke...will the corona virus dissipate eventually and disappear from the environment...and when will things be all clear...