Russia has too much natural resources and too much land area to be a single country. The USA should cause the breakup of Russia in to several smaller entities. 13 time zones span is too much land area for one nation. The natural resources...forest products, oil and natural gas, vast mineral stores, gem stones, coal, should be divided up in to several smaller nation-states and shared democratically with all the peoples of Earth. There are about 150 million people living in Russia...1.42 billion in PROC and 1.34 billion in India and 0.262 billion people in Indonesia 0.192 billion in Pakistan and 0.191 billion in Nigeria and 0,164 billion people in Bangladesh...Russia and Australia (e.g. 23 million) should be open to mass migrations by these people...who can have the option of relocating to Russia or Australia to share in a better life with lower population density and abundant natural resources.