Sunday, February 24, 2019

10 BILLION BY 2050

There are about 7.75 billion people alive on the Earth today. I think I saw that by 2050 it is projected to be over 10 billion people. This is a number that is comprised as a rate of births over deaths continuously I believe. Most of the people live in Asia.....China (1.38 billion) and India (1.31 billion) and Indonesia (0.262 billion) and Bangladesh (0.164 billion) and Pakistan (0.191 billion) etc. Will the will of the World be strong enough to handle all of these people? Will there be police to handle all of these people? Will the standard of living be humanitarian enough to save the human race from disintegrating? I just do not know.....The USA is doing OK and the USA has a moral obligation to help the human race from oblivion. The USA can set the moral code for the World. But the moral compass of the USA is changing and becoming less Judeo-Christian and more Darwinian. It is the supreme challenge of the times for the baby boomer generation and later generations to steer the USA away from Darwinism and back to the light. Especially so in the light of our responsibility to guide the people of our planet by the rule of law. We will see what happens in the next critical 100 years.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Cambodia and Germany and Argentina etc. suggest that there is no God. Perhaps there is reincarnation on a continuing basis without a God. That there is some kind of universal regeneration machine that operates on the spiritual side of life based upon laws of detailed balancing that "reassigns" spirits to everlasting corporeal circumstances....Some machine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Element 137 is called "feynmanium" because it is the last possible element. It is the highest atomic number possible. It is determined by the value of the fine structure constant...and thus 137 is related to e and pi by a simple series. Is there a design to the Universe? Maybe there is such a design. What is the chemistry of element 137 I wonder. What does it all mean...e and pi?


van't Hoff discovered and quantified the phenomenon known as "osmotic pressure". I wonder what are the limitations on osmotic pressure....what is the highest osmotic pressure possible. It is a pressure based on the concentration of particles in solution. The nitrate salts form the highest concentration solutions possible. One would need to construct an osmotic pressure barometer to "measure" very high osmotic pressures. I have suggested an osmotic pressure barometer but it is only a theory. The description was in what was barely a paper in the Annals of the Scientific Society of Argentina. I did not have a chance to improve the manuscript before they published it.


Eddington was a prolific writer and a prolific mathematician and a dedicated Quaker. He asserted that the fine structure constant was exactly the integer 136 then later he changed this to being exactly 137 when measurements showed it was greater than 136. He lost a lot of credibility by doing this and his "Fundamental Theory" was not accepted. Instead of this it is too bad that Eddington did not know about my suggestion that the fine structure constant is given by a simple series in e and pi. He might have sold his "Fundamental Theory" to the physics community in his lifetime if he had claimed my series' establishes the uniqueness of the constants he defined. He is a very gifted writer who writes loftily about the philosophy of nature. Too bad he never married. But I like that he stayed Quaker throughout his life at Cambridge.


In Buddhism they teach the "wheel of life". That all life is cyclical and it is all connected together through the "wheel of life". Bacteria consume dead matter and insects consume the dead matter that bacteria are metabolizing and birds eat the insects....and some consuming bacteria are assimilated by plants...……….and animals in turn eat the plants and so on.....and a human being is metabolized in to the "wheel of life" and eventually the runaway metabolism interacts with human beings, and human life is then regenerated in some go further onward in to the dark night...and in to the light of day....and thus the wheel of life is correlated with reincarnation in its details.


Happy Chinese New Year.....5000+. A former IUP student I knew years ago named Roger Cohen recently mailed me a Chinese coin from about 1100 AD. I sit here and hold it and wonder who has held this coin before me. I wonder if someone from my ex-wife's family (Hsi-cheng Shen) ever held this particular coin over the 900 years since it was minted in China somewhere. The Chinese year then would be probably 4000+ or in the high 3000's.....I wonder where the coin will end up when I pass it onward or lose it somehow.....