Each of the hydrocarbons: (a) alkanes (b) cycloalkanes (c) alkenes (d) cycloalkenes (e) annulenes (f) alkynes (g) alkeneynes etc. has a definite molecular Schlaefli symbol (n, p) that can be used to "map" its position in the Schlaefli space of "n" (polygonality) and "p" (connectivity). The points (n, p) for the different classes of hydrocarbons, following certain conventions in calculating (n, p) for molecules (in the cases of ambiguity), can probably be fit (for each respective class of hydrocarbon) to some type of linear or quadratic or other type of polynomial equation to high fidelity or high degree of least squares reliability. By fitting these sets of points (n, p) to some least squares reliable polynomial equation one would have a comprehensive way of calculating ALL ordered pairs (n, p) of the various classes of hydrocarbons and so in effect such equations "map" all the hydrocarbons in the Schlaefli space of (n, p). Remembering that for molecular graphs (1) V - E + F = 1 and (2) n = 2E/F and p = 2E/V and (3) (1/n) - (1/2) + (1/p) = (1/2E). Each hydrocarbon class would be identified by its own characteristic polynomial, thus, and the graphing of each such characteristic polynomial would be a mathematical way in which to describe each such respective family of hydrocarbons.