Friday, July 21, 2017


God is not to be taken as Timeless. God was delocalized within the Creation at the very moment it began. As Creation evolves with the passage of too does God evolve inside the material Creation. God is benevolent but in the process of being delocalized within the Creation God lost the omnipotence he had before time began and before God's identity was subsumed within Creation. Free will was part of God's plan for Creation.........and at the moment God released the Creation to happen and evolve...........that was the moment coincidentally that free will sprung forth and also that was the moment God relinquished omnipotence over existence. Free will of course is the reason we have the problem of evil in God's Creation............along with other natural causes of evil. Human evil can all be traced back to the origins of Creation and the release of free will as endowed on animals by the process of Creation. One can work in to this scheme that the Universe is circular and cyclical in manifold ways on varying levels of grandness and descending in orders down to minutiae........In God's to which he was delocalized he introduced at the beginning a circularity theme........circular structure emerged upon circular structures.......from the microscopical scale of atoms and assemblages of clouds and condensations in to planets and stars on a macroscopical scale...........that obeyed a recursional........cyclical themes at all levels of proportion.........And the emergence of life in the creation was imprinted with this cyclical theme whereupon reincarnation and the wheel of life are seen as emergent consequences of God's plan for reality.

Monday, July 3, 2017


Yes I looked over your list of statements about where the notion of dark matter first emerged. First there was the discovery of other galaxies besides our own.........then the measurements of the orbital velocities of the stars in other galaxies (and our own galaxy)........showing stars at the outer parts of galaxies orbit faster than the interior stars do..........measurements that are very old from the 30's............Then I read in 1998 the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope measured from red shifts of supernovae at the beginning times of the Universe and at much later times proved that the Universe's expansion was ACCELERATING instead of the opposite outcome.........And that was where the estimates that the Universe is comprised of 68% dark energy and over 20% dark matter and about 5% ordinary matter came from. Atoms and photons are just a small part of reality........what the hell is dark matter..........does it have a chemistry like the chemistry of the fundamental particles and the chemistry of the periodic table........does dark matter have dark has mass and that is all they know.......just has mass that they can infer from gravitational effects that the substance confers on stars etc.........this is the biggest mystery since the discovery of fire......a truly mysterious substance that dominates over the only matter we know about from our own experience.......I read somewhere that the big particle accelerator in Europe is where some scientists are trying to create dark matter on the Earth........I wonder if that couldn't that be dangerous somehow.......Mike