Monday, December 21, 2015


Tomorrow is the winter is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. For the next few days the days are the shortest of the year and about Christmas day the day gets longer and keeps getting longer until the summer solstice on June 21st. In the Southern Hemisphere everything is reversed.......................on and near the equator all the days are about the same length I think. People have interpreted the winter solstice as a sign of a order to the world.....a sign of Providence.........a sign of the coming Spring and the recycling of life.........related to a reincarnation principle.......I tend to believe it is a sign.....the return of life each year to the Northern and Southern hemispheres according to the movements of the Earth.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


One flaw in my glitter model, that may be a fatal flaw, is that the number of pi electrons in the unit cell of glitter is "4n" and not "4n + 2". For graphene the unit cell is "4n + 2" and graphene is stabilized by resonance. The rule for aromaticity is "4n + 2" and for spiroaromaticity it is also "4n + 2". Glitter has 4n = 4, or in the tetragonal supercell it has 4n = 8. When I did my papers on n-diamond and i-carbon I was not fully awake about the "4n + 2" rule for exospiroconjugation........but perhaps for endospiroconjugation the rule is reversed to "4n"........But maybe it is just wrong........the resonance structures for glitter.........I know that for 4-gons and 8-gons you can draw resonance structures but they are antiaromatic........maybe glitter is antispiroaromatic........or whatever the term is for extended structures like graphene. But if you look at the crystal orbitals you can make an argument about overlap that supports a delocalization whatever it is called. I really don't is what my intuition led me to do. The moravia pattern was my invention and it has turned up in some coordination networks, and the MM dumbell network may have been realized.......but these are small discoveries. The really important patterns are carbon patterns and they are really difficult to find anywhere.