Wednesday, August 12, 2015



Christ is recorded to ascend to Heaven in the final passages of the Gospels. In the synoptic Gospels this comes after Christ’s resurrection on the third day after his death. It is after the resurrection that he is witnessed several times on Earth during the 40 day Easter period within the Holy Lands. It is believed here that ascension to Heaven is perhaps asymptotic out to infinity as one’s soul passes through successive lives or “experiences” on the everpresent stage or plane played out on the Earth. The Bible is not clear on the potential asymptotic structure of ascension to Heaven. It is not known by the writer whether any of the holy documents of the Catholic church at its foundation or in its history have suggested this asymptotic nature. It would appear that those figures identified by the Church as achieving sainthood would likely have ascended in to Heaven. And conversely descent in to Hell is likewise considered by the writer to be an asymptotic process out to infinity as played out by successive lives or “experiences” of the soul within purgatory on the Earth.