Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Everything in the World moves in circles. The moon, the stars, the Milky Way galaxy, all of the galaxies........all move in circles. The sun rises and sets and on again as the Earth spins........and the seasons come and go as the Earth moves around the Sun. The stars and the sun and all the planets around all the stars are round and they spin in circles. And so it is for life on this Earth, we pass through cycles of birth and childhood and so on until death........and then rebirth and another life cycle begins. Like the brain, the way our souls get "transmigrated" to a new moment of conception and life still remains a mystery. Our proximity and our identity at a particular moment in a particular lifecycle is determined by the record we have established in the previous lifecycle and previous lifecycles as a series of "perturbative" corrections. The Catholic faith teaches this state of affairs to be "purgatory" I believe. Therefore if I never see you again in this current moment of life, then I may see you again some place perhaps far away from here and some time in to the future, in a subsequent life that takes place on the Earth.......I hope so. I think our souls are perhaps "entangled" with each other after all that has happened........and our meeting was evidently our "destiny".