Christianity teaches in places within the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Hebrews and in places within the Epistle of Saint James to the Early Churches…………that faith without good works is dead. This paraphrase of these Epistles seems to permanently qualify the famous statement in the Gospel of Saint John in Chapter 3 verse 16 that everlasting life will come to those who believe in Christ as the savior of the human race. Christ taught in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 verses 3-10 the so-called “beatitudes“…………that our mission as Christians is primarily to perform good works through raising up the meek and disadvantaged within our World through giving of shelter and material goods on the one hand and a grounding or instruction of the disadvantaged on how to carry themselves forward to become more productive and self-sufficient if possible. The “beatitudes” were the central teaching of the “New Covenant” and were intended to mirror the 10 Commandmants of the Old Covenant of Moses to the Isrealis in the Sinai desert. Christ’s beatitudes teach us what good works mean in a fundamental sense, where with modernization one can see the “beatitudes” fulfilled in many other ways based in technology where people use technology for the betterment of humanity in this spirit originally described by Christ.