It remains a complete and tantalizing mystery; the mechanism of the life force. From the insects that infest this World to human beings.............the evidences of a life force are what defines our Earth. It appears to be a runaway chemical reaction...........metabolism..........with the emergence of biochemical structures and organization. And the metabolism only operates for about 100 years in the most lucky humans. The runaway chemical reaction that is life.......its chemistry.......only operates for about 100 years in humans. Why 100 years and why not 1000 years? We are placed here to learn through experiences of happiness and grief, and love and hate, and so on, that is the point of learn and to create. But is there a way, using chemistry, to extend human life from 100 to 1000 years. Given that there are some examples of organisms as complex as trees that can exist for 1000’s of years. It must be complex and the whole human body would have to be programmed to regenerate tissues and organs continually and dispose of waste tissue and organs efficiently. The body would have to be regenerated every 10 to 20 years for say indefinitude. Or is it possible to capture someone's memories and their personality......their identity and read it off of the brain tissue in to a electronic storage and processing machine. So a person could go on living.......their thoughts, emotions and memories in a electronic device............or would that be the worst hell that one could imagine..........I think we don't live 1000 years because our definite personalities form within 10 years and our learning ability only extends for 30 or 40 years, at most, and our creative energies are probably exhausted within 100 years......And because a lot of the population does not create anything of lasting value and they are often challenged morally through most of their lives. I personally want to live 1000 years, but not alongside most of the other population I meet every day in my life.........I suppose the reality is less than 100.