Saturday, November 10, 2018


Each molecule has a story. Some molecules have little stories and some molecules have involved stories. You covered the story of thalidomide in your book, "The Same and not the Same". It is the most sickening story. For planet hunters the spectroscopic signature for the water molecule means does the molecule oxygen, The cyanide ion means death.....The molecule ziprasidone means keeping non-sense in my life in check and it means, or drives me to be creative and also keeps my weight down. The many carbohydrates mean life-giving metabolism. The molecule carbon dioxide means photosynthesis and solar energy conversion. the chlorine molecule meant death in WWI. While nitrogen means agricultural sustenance through the Haber process. The many molecules of medicine can mean life-saving cures or management or alleviation of disease including quinine that is used to treat malaria victims. The vitamins are life sustaining molecules. Hydrogen sulfide means stinkiness combined with death. And on it goes.


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