Saturday, February 20, 2016


There are various approximations for the constants of mathematics. There are the rational approximations, like 22/7 for pi.........or 355/113 for pi, these come to within 3 or more 9's of the absolute truth. There are others.........60/7 for (e)x(pi) and 96/7 for (phi)x(e)x(pi)............then there are the Ramanujan formulas..............these formulas are "exact" out to any number of decimal places for the constants of mathematics. Transcendental numbers should be defined as those numbers that can be represented as an infinitely non-repeating continued fraction...............that you can generate a transcendental number out to any number of decimal places from a closed form expression in a series expansion is a miracle. Ramanujan's formulas are used by the big number crunchers to calculate the mathematical constants like pi to arbitrary accuracy.......billion of digits of pi for example. My point is that transcendence is expressible in closed form by human beings, including possibly the transcendence of the languages and human forms in to some eternal truth. This is what faith is all about among human beings, that transcendence is accessible from and on the stage of the everpresent played out on the Earth.


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